Monday, March 21, 2005

Is Anyone Out There?

If you'll notice at the bottom of this post there is a comment area. If you read the post, please sign your name, just so we will have an idea of traffic. If no one is reading it, there is no reason to maintain the site.
Jo told me the comments were not allowing people to sign in without creating a blogger account. I've fixed that. Anyone may comment on our blog. All of us can make changes to the profile, this would be a good one to leave the way it is now.

Friday, March 18, 2005

got home safe

i got home safe from Ark. on wed. about 5:30. sorry i didn't get to see as many of you as i wanted, but i'll be back in the summer/fall. i had a great trip, and i'm very glad i went. love you all!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Hay to all these readers

Hay to all. Little update. Feeling much better on the Bell's Palsey recovery. Most of the problem left is just the paralysis. I work at it and try to make the nerves connect. I get more out of the left eyelid than any of the rest of the left side of my face. This will be good for me. Don't take it that I'm not shooting for a full recovery, but if I were to get the blink back, I could live with the rest.
I guess all of you know the deal we are doing through Kim. Let's get what you are chipping in on in to her so this thing gets completed properly. I think it is a good thing. Looking forward to seeing it someday.
How bout that Mike and Becky? Going back to CO! If you ain't never been out there, make plans. There are some views that you just can't see nowhere else. The last time I was out there, I was climbing to the highest peak, Mt. Evans, and I was about to break the peak to get the grand view of views, and unbeknownst to me, on the side of the mountain I couldn't see a storm was coming in. Bout the time I heard a thunderclap and saw the lightning bolts, I got the park ranger down below yelling for me to get off the mountain. As I lacked just a few yards completing my journey, I was really frustrated; but not enough to go to jail. And as the snow hit my face, towards the end of June, it didn't take much more to get me to go back down. Beautiful place to see. I'm sure Mike and Beck would tell you how to get there real easy. I went over to the Royal Gorge, walked across the nation's highest, at least, suspension bridge. When you are up there, you can watch a full size train go through the gorge and it is smaller than HO scale model from your perspective. Also took the time to go down to the "creek" at the bottom of the gorge. When you get down there you are at the headwaters of the Arkansas River, not exactly a creek. In and out of that gorge there is the opportunity to see several species of hummingbirds. Being ornithologist that I am, well, think I am, it was neat to see so many different types, other than the ruby-throated that we are dominated by in this region. Also, if you are used to watching the ruby-throated and how they are so combative, no matter how many feeders are out, it was neat to watch the rainbow of feathers taking turns in such a large number at a remote feeder I located and had time to sit still and quiet alone for a few.
The lady I talked to on Mt. Evans who grew up living in the highest gift shop/restaurant/
bathroom/soda fountain/saloon left at that elevation, asked, "Where are you from?" Course, I said, "Bon Aqua, Tennessee". And she said, "Is that anywhere close to the Smokies?" I told her we were about halfway (through TN) and that they sure don't stick out of the ground like the Rockies, but then again, we'd had a few more thousand years to fall apart. She said, "Yes, but we don't touch the colors ya'll have." But you know, I've had a few scenes from the Ozarks that have burnt pictures in my memory.
Just things we've done. Things we want to do. Just wanted to share a thought. Got to get back to the grind.
Love you all, bsr

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Mom's Picture

I may have finally gotten a picture of Mom on the blog, but Aaron finally got the html codes to work to put it permanently on the profile. I may know something about computers and applications, but I am woefully inept at html. So, thankfully he was home to do that for us. Everyone enjoy!

Password Problems

Cindy mentioned in a recent email to the clan that she was having problems with blogger not recognizing her password. Not unusual and not a problem. Blogger does have the odd quirk of losing passwords; I really think they may purge passwords occasionally just to weed a few folks out. We do have the solution, though.
If you have gone to the trouble of becoming a member of the blog you have a password unique to you. When you've logged in and it says you have used an incorrect password, click the portion that gives you the option of emailing your password to you. When the email arrives, alas, it still doesn't have your password, but it does give you the option of changing your password. Well, the joke is on them, because you just retype your same password they just lost. Cuts down on the senility factor.
If the username: mombaker and password: mom005 happen to get lost, just email us at and we will take care of the generic password. We check email frequently around here, shouldn't be more than a 24 hour wait.
I noticed this morning that blogger has updated their photo link. I'll try again with Mom's picture. Don't hold your breath....
Love to all, Freda

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Memorial Gift

I'll rewrite the letter Scott and I got. Sorry it took me so long to get it up here.

February 9, 2005
Dear Mr and Mrs Rushton and family,
Last month a gift of loving honor and remembrance was given to Healing Hands International by Mr and Mrs Donald B Nelson, 201 Cheviot Court, Hendersonville, TN 37075. This gift was given in loving memory of Mrs Bertha Baker and will give others a chance to experience God's healing power both physically and spiritually.
Gerald Hurst
Executive Director, HHI

Just a week or so after Mother told me she had done this, there was a write up in the Dickson paper. HHI had sent several thousand pounds of medical supplies and eight doctors and nurses from Dickson to the tsunami area for a two week mission. Isn't that an odd coincidence that out of all the places in TN, they would pick Dickson? Especially after we all were talking about Mom holding tsunami babies in Heaven. Here's an article from the Dickson Herald. (Article about their return-won't be available for more than another couple of weeks at most.)
The Cumberland Presbyterian church took over from HHI after that group got home and sent another group of eight for two more weeks. Then, just about Valentine's day, one of the college students from our church was going on a trip to South America, once again through HHI, so we gave her a boost in Mom's name.
Some of you from Searcy may remember Dr Henry Farrar. He is on the board of directors. If you are interested in learning more about HHI or write to: Healing Hands International, 455 McNally Drive, Nashville, TN 37211 or call: 615.832.2000

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Back to Cindy

you're starting to ramble again. Stop listening to the voices and get you a nice hot cup of broth. Take a nap.