Sunday, February 27, 2005


Not the oldest school represented by any means, and not to make a point right or wrong, but according to 1993's Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, the definitive Merriam-Webster unabridged dictionary of the English language...VD and Valentine's Day should not even related to each other. bsr

Saturday, February 26, 2005


I thought I followed the steps to become a team member. I don't know how I messed up,. It asked about membership, I wrote my e-mail address, I gave it, but it never asked for my name. Did I do it wrong? I think I still have to identify myself at the end or I will be "end of posting" or whatever.
Aunt Jo

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

To prevent End Posting from being your "name" or from having to actually sign each time you post, you must become a team member. From the page displaying everyone's titles only, select "Settings" at the top of the blog window. then, select "Members" on the far right. Click, Add Team Members at the bottom of the new listing. Type your own email, as well as anyone else you would like to gently push to blog; click save settings, and go check you email. When you respond, you will be an "official" team member and your blogger name will appear as your sign in.

In other news, if you've not heard, Lyn's school was hit rather hard with storms Monday. I was about a mile away, strangely enough since we were out for President's Day and we live almost 20 miles away. The following link has some pictures of the damage. (Scroll down to the bottom of the page) Contractors and the Director of Schools are estimating well over $1mil in damage. No one hurt, thankfully. As you look at the pictures however, when you see the greenhouse, be in awe. The FFA teacher was in there at the time and is unhurt. The damage happened around 8:10am. No telling how many kids would have been hurt or killed if we had been in school. God was protecting us. And our county leaders have said it on TV! We are proud.

Scott has had his mouth painted with silver nitrate this week if that is any indication to you about how much pain he's been in. So he is feeling some better. Doctor can't promise it was BP related, but can't promise it wasn't either. He's staying pretty close to the house still, hasn't worked in 3+ weeks. May try to go back next week. We will keep you posted.

My daddy has pneumonia. He'd appreciate your thoughts and prayers! Love you. Freda

Technical Stuff I'd like to know! & Congrats Greers

First of all, a most sincere congratulations to the Jeff Greer Family for the future adoption of their new baby girl. Secondly, sincere appreciation for being committed to raising a sweet baby from another culture. May God's blessings rain abudantly upon you all. Tell your mom that we hope she's up and about ASAP.

Secondly, this is a question to the blogmaster. Why do some of the postings end with the name of the person who wrote it and some end with the words END POST. Hmmm, what am I not doing for it to show my name down there by the time and date.

Had an e-mail come in from Michael Funderburk. He's so ready to get back to Germany. Don't blame him I'd love to go to Germany to welcome him back! Oh, yah! He and Bob will be having fun talking Special Forces if Michael goes that way after his promotion. It's great to hear the "old guys" of SF speak very well of the new guys who are carrying on the traditions.

Love and hugs all around, Mary K

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The crowd roars as the Greer Family joins the 21st century

E-mail was a small step, this is like a giant leap. Freda, i think you enjoy this as much as peanut butter. Spencer was pondering the other day (see posted picture if it works), although the circumstances of Mom's funeral was sad, it is always good to be around the family and legacy she has left behind. What a testament to a child of God. While most of us do not have the name Baker, a little of her is in each of us. Except maybe Cindy. I'm still not convinced she's part of the family. Haw! Haw! I miss dogging you. This blogger thing will make it so much easier. To Scott, Michelle and I are praying for you. Mary K and Teresa, glad to be able to talk to ya'll even though miles separate us. Jo, when you makin' dumplin's? Aaron, i totally agree about the VD thing. Several of you know, Chelle and I are adopting a child from China, a little girl more than likely. It is a lenghty process, most of which is due to government forms, approvals, etc. Please pray that the government stuff goes quickly, cuz if it does, we could have her here by February 1st. It is even possible that she could be her by Christmas which is our hope, but we will see.

Mom is feeling much better. Still tired. i'll try this again, hopefully i'll have something to say.

Jeff Greer of the Greers of Conway, AR, son of John and Judy

My page doesn't have titles...

Hey everybody, it's your (my relation to you here) Aaron.

My class was cancelled, so I'm taking advantage of that time off to do absolutely nothing. Thought I'd let my presence be officially known. Mom already put me in here somewhere down there, butI'm an attention seeking glory hound, so here once again are my two main websites: In Some Places, My Name is a Swear Word!, which is my personal web journal thingy, and then Stuff I Write, which is... umm... stuff... written by... me. I guess. Or something.

So there's that. Have a good day, night, week, whathaveyou.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

This is only a test!

Just how long does it take to go from posting to the blog? Hmm.. the experiment begins!

Leave your calling card please!

Okay, so this is a great format, but I just noticed someone wrote Aaron a comment about his comment on my posting but their name wasn't with their epistle therefore it becomes a group of words left without belonging to anyone. Don't ya think.... (yes, I try to do it at least once a day for good measure) that we ought to always leave our signature with any message so's we be knowing who's yakking at us? I can't spend that much time guessing among my veritable potpourri of kinfolk whom it might be doing the writing! This particular posting is written by me, Mary K.
Love hugs and kisses to you all!

Friday, February 18, 2005



Thursday, February 17, 2005

Valentine's day work is not for sissys!

Helloing Auntie Jo,
I was not surprised when you talked about the thousands of flowers ya'll put together for VD. I had gone down to one of those Cookies by Design stores here in Vero because a friend of mine wanted them to hire me for the overflow during the holiday. The owner was worried about how busy they would be since it was their first VD. I didn't want to not show up to give them my name and phone no. for future holidays, but I knew they weren't going to need extra help on this one. I know a few women who would just love to have a basket full of whimsical cookies, but the stats remain high that if is isn't chocolate and roses the dude's in the dog house. I'm sure the cookie lady will remember that next year!

Yo, Bro, how's your Bell's going. As in, has it gone yet. We are keeping you in our prayers for a speedy recovery. Hope you are using the down time to get some good R & R for once.

Lovin' all of you, Mary K

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Well, this is Aunt Jo, Cousin Jo, or whatever. I tried writing the other night. I wrote a nice long note and then didn't know what to do with it. I have re-read the directions, so now I know how to post an e-mail to everyone.

Scott, I hope you are better. It's a temporary condition, isn't it?

For those on the family re-union idea: Yeah! It is time. I also realize that a single date will not suit everyone. That is obvious. Everyone who can come will come. The rest will have to try for the next one. The times could vary each year.

About the food for the re-union. I've been told I have book smarts, but no common sense. Even I can figure this one out. We cater or go to a place large enough for all of us. Regardless, everyone will have to put out some money in a timely fashion. Potluck won't work. Everyone will want time to visit, not worry about whether people are getting enough to eat.

Aunt Judy has pneumonia, but is doing better. She might go to school Wednesday. The doctor's will x-ray her lungs again Thursday.

I am worn out, along with Pam, Sue, and Martha and the rest of the Artistic staff. We made and sold thousands of flowers!!!!! We made lots of people happy on and before Valentine's Day

Have a great February.

Love, Jo

Sunday, February 13, 2005

The Guessing Game

Okay, so what's the big difference between just sending e-mails and blogging. The backlog of course could be considered a plus. The artistic format is pleasant. Maybe seeing a posted photo or two will be fab.

Writing a letter in longhand has become such a lost art over the years. Is e-mailing next? My how technology keeps us on our toes. Oh, I'm sorry, that should say keeps us on our fingertips. The posting of pictures, another plus of blogging, will be a great way to see how our familys are growing through the years. I'd enjoy seeing a picture of the kids in their school plays or at their art showings.

I'm so sorry to hear about Scott suffering from BP. Hope it will subside quickly. I can only think of how many times I've bit my tongue after losing the feeling in the side of my face where the dentist has gone exploring. Hate that drooling thing...

So glad to hear Teresa is having the most wonderful time with her adopted son. That's just heart warming to know he's getting some "comfort" time before heading off to Iraq. I think all our soldiers need that to settle themselves in for the tough times ahead. New stepgrandbaby's and more news of friends coming to visit, that's heartwarming news.

We've not heard from Michael, my youngest step son, who is in Afghanistan for over a month now. He's away from his main base and they have had a lot of bad weather keeping them grounded. He could be one of the crews helping with the plane that crashed on the boarder of Afghanistan and Pakistan last month. Tina, his wife, keeps us informed when she gets a phone call so we can breath easier.

May I give a collective Happy Valentine's Day to all who care to come into this blog thing to see what it's all about. May you and your's have a most loving day, but may it never be the only day that you consider yourself loved because the roses and chocolates were delivered on time!!!

To blogging! Love you all, Mary K.

The Wonderful Woman of Heart

It has been a few days, even weeks since the passing of the wonderful woman of heart. Strange how we truly miss someone more when we know they are not at the end of the phone line.......Mom blessed me many times over with the sharing of her wonderful heart. We would talk and laugh together on many occasion about many issues of life. I will miss our talks.
Mom's passing brought up trips down many different memory lanes. Bo, mother, Eleanora, Bill, and many lost friends and other family members. I have a hightened awareness of my limited time frame. I appreciated seeing every one very much, and hope we will all remember to remember each other in the few days ahead for us all.
Like everyone, I am busy being busy. I jokingly say that I don't have a life during the school week. It is probably more true than not. I leave the house at about 6:20ish and return from the battle closer to 5:30ish than I would like. But I don't know how to do it more efficently, I am not bring homework home with me.
I always look forward to the weekends. This weekend is particularly pleasant, even given the fact that I am not up to snuff physically. My little "adopted son, away from home" came to visit. I have known Jed since he was about 12. He is currently serving his country in the US Army, stationed at Clarksville. It has been fun to have him around, his is very funny. Laughing is good!
A little family update. Will and Dale will be spending the whole month of February in India. Please keep them in your prays, for safe visit and return. Leah, Leif, Mattias and Stefan are all in school. Talk about homework issues! Kathryn is expecting a little one, Mayish I think....? Paul, Jeffrey and Danielle are excited and preparing for the new addition. Lorna, Miranda, Ayanna and Orion are surviving the winter and school. All is well. Just hung up from a call from George, he and Wanda are planning a trip east soon. Can't wait to see them.
I am blessed with good news. I will end this entry with a wish for all. May God carry you in the hollow of his hand and continue to bless your hearts, so you can continue to bless others.
Love to you from Tennessee,

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Pictures available for Newbies

I have put together an easy to follow picture version of the earlier instructions from your email. If you want to post and are having a hard time, email me: and I will send you the pictoral version. Love you! ; )

Friday, February 11, 2005

A whole new world...

Well! I am stepping into a whole new deal here. This is my first posting of any shape, form, or fashion. I know, that's pitiful. Anyway, things here are going well. Even as I write, my daughter is getting ready for a play that she's in tonight. It is like a Dinner Theater, except we only get dessert..... What kind of deal is that? She is very much the actress and singer these days. She made All-State choir this week and we are very proud. So needless say, she's super busy. Her schedule will lighten a little, however, because she and her Prince Charming broke up a few days ago. I was afraid there would be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, but the actual period of mourning was short-lived.
As for Clay and I, we are fine. every other person on the planet, but we are doing great and for that we are thankful. Scott, you take care of yourself and get better!!
Well, I feel grown up now. I've "posted"... hahaha
Love to all,
Cindy Lou

Thursday, February 10, 2005

First Posting from Bon Aqua

Hi everyone! We decided there had to be another way, besides email to get news to everyone. We had talked about it before so here it is.

News from the Rushtons. I called Uncle Don last night to tell him I was having squirrel and dumplin's and I was talking to Aunt Martha and she said, "what's wrong?" I said, "what do you mean, the way I'm talking? It's no problem, I just have Bell's Palsy" It really is no problem, what's not to like? Half your face doesn't work and since there was a 50-50 chance to feel it or not, I was one of the lucky ones who gets to experience the full effect of the virus on that nerve. Since it has messes up one of my ears, my equilibrium is messed up, so I get to be car sick watching TV. But I am doing fine. Love to all of you. bsr

In other news, Lyn is working so hard on her senior year that she is exhausted. Has gone to a concert in Nashville this week, had 2 auditions, couple of tests, and rehearsals for All State, and has to take the ACT this weekend. Winterfest (church outing with 10,000 other teens) is next weekend, after MidState performance. She isn't busy. Scott says she has done more in the last 2 weeks than he did his whole senior year.

Aaron isn't busy either. He is in the second semester of his 4 semester senior year at Harding. If you missed the article about Mom in the Bison, go to and catch it. It should be the second post down. Current funny one about being single I believe is first. Mom's is sweet and tender, not funny.

I'm writing another grant to try to teach teachers for a year again. It's only $538,000.00, so if I mss it, big deal! HA! Five schools this time instead of one, Only about 400 miles of travel a month though at the most, so that is OK. Last time I averaged about 600 with the trip to Florida and wherever else I went besides Nashville once a week. That is about it for me. Other than that I'm trying to keep Scott and Lyn from falling asleep at the supper table and keeping the grandcritters happy.

We love you all and hope this blog experiment will do two things: Keep us all informed and together, and drag some of you kicking and screaming into the 21st century! This IS what I do for a living, ya know! Freda