Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Post from Scott

Hay. Just a little update. The paralysis, I guess, from the Bell's Palsy I would say is 90% gone. Or 90% better. Still can't whistle. Or blink...without thinking about it. Other than that, the health thing is OK. Big old empty house. It was a nice note to read from cousins and such that remembered our anniversary. It has been good and bad over the last 25 plus years but I've still got my Harley and it is running well. So is Freda. Anniversary and empty nest in the same month is a big step. Sad and happy that those landmarks have come. It is strange that you can see events that mark time passage and how irrelevant time really is to your life.
Johnny George and Kathy, sorry to hear about Aunt Billye. Was one of my favorites.
The search. So far, this search I have talked to Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee looking for input on a sandwich that Momma used to make. If you ever had one of her grilled pumpernickle sandwiches, share what you remember.
Staying pretty busy. Got a shoot to ready for the police department. Got a week of inservice in Columbia. Got a week of school in Birmingham in October for APCO and higher certifications-which is quickly becoming the minimum...if you live in an area that spends their 911 money where it belongs.
How about that storm? Go figure. Less storm, more damage. Feel for those people in the storm's path. We were in the path, but it fizzled out, thankfully before it got here. Few trees down, stuff like that. Haven't heard of many problems in Hickman county, yet.
If you don't already, visit Lyn and Aaron's weblogs. http://someplacedotcom.blogspot.com and http://mayorbigrig.blogspot.com. Leave a comment if you feel the urge.
How about that gas price!? I got to find somebody I can blame it on so I can feel better. Surely it is somebody's fault that this is happening to me. I'm pretty sure that they are deliberately doing it knowing I don't have the money for $3.50 gasoline...you know all of us can cry about the price of gas, sad thing about it is, it is like living on the coast and they tell you a hurricane is coming and you blow it off. I'll ride it out, etc. Then the hurricane hits and you ain't ready. Gotta be somebody else's fault. I ain't got the money allocated at this time in the budget for gas prices to be that high. Like all the other gas increases in our lifetimes. I will adjust. And something will suffer somewhere, you will give up something personal to you to buy the gas, to me that is just the way it is. But the part that probably bothers me the worst, is $3-5 a gallon to play on is different than $3-5 a gallon to earn a living on. In whatever path the evolution of transportation takes as great as this country is, in technology alone, we should have not gotten to here.


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